Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Accounts Receivable Standard Reports

Transaction Reports

  • Transaction Register

  • Incomplete Invoices Report

  • Past Due Invoice Report

  • Invoice Exception Report

  • Aging - 7 Buckets Report

Receipt and Adjustment Report

  • Receipt Register

  • Unapplied and Unresolved Receipts Register

  • Applied Receipts Register

  • Miscellaneous Receipts Register

  • Adjustment Register

  • Adjustment Approval Report

Customer and Billing Reports

  • Account Status Report

  • Customer Listing Detail and Summary Reports

  • Credit Hold Report

  • Billing History

  • Billing and Receipt History

  • Customer Open Balance Letter

Accounting and Reconciliation Reports

  • Unposted Items Report

  • AR Reconciliation Report

  • AR to GL Reconciliation Report

Monday, March 14, 2011

Employee Check Refund for Travel Prepayments

We might give advances (prepayments ) for employee expenses. Employees, might give a check for the remaining amount after expenses. We can use the following solution to capture this in oracle and have correct accounting

Suggest solution
Step 1: create a prepayment invoice and pay it

Step 2: employee will submit expense report for the for the amount he spent , apply the prepayment to the expense invoice submitted

Step 3: when employee gives a personal check for the balance amount. create a standard invoice for the amount equal to the refund check, by using a clearing account as the expense account and apply the remaining prepayment ( advance ) amount to the invoice created

Step 4: create a debit memo (with the same clearing account we used for standard invoice in step1, as the expense account.) Then make the refund payment to the debit memo created

For example we made a advance payment of $ 1000 to an employee and after the trip, if the employee submits the expense report for $ 800 and gave personal check for remaining $ 200. following are the accounting entries in each step of the process suggested, Also please find the screen shots in the file attached

When we make advances payment to the employee

Prepaid Expense A/c--------------Dr 1000
To Liability A/c---------------------Cr 1000

when paid

Liability A/c----------------------Dr 1000
To Cash Clearing A/c---------Cr 1000

When employee submits the expense report after the trip
Item Expense A/c-------------Dr 800
To Liability A/c-----------------Cr 800

Prepayment is applied to the expense report submitted

Liability A/c-------------------------Dr 800
To Prepaid Expense A/c-------Cr 800

Standard invoice, when we get personal check from employee for balance amount

Item Expense A/c (clearing account )------Dr 200
To Liability A/c--------------------------Cr 200

When prepayment is applied

Liability A/c--------------Dr 200
To Prepaid Expense A/c-------Cr 200

Debit memo for refund check

Liability A/c----------------------------------------------Dr 200
To Item Expense (clearing account )A/c-----Cr 200

Refund Payment to debit memo

Cash Clearing A/c------------Dr 200
To Liability A/c----------------Cr 200

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

R12 assign same bank account to multiple suppliers

Partners might be having joint account and both of them might be doing business with or organization. Follwing are the steps to assign same bank account information to more than one supplier record in Account payables

When we try to add same bank account information to second supplier like normal bank account setup we get the error message as shown in below screenshot

Step 1: Find the supplier for whom the bank account already assigned

i)Click On the left panel go to Company Profile -> Banking Details

ii) Select an existing one and click on Update icon.Go to the Account Owners section (should be in the bottom of the page). Click on Add Another Row and add other suppliers that you would like to use the same bank account.

Step 2:

i) Go to other suppliers, Banking Details section

ii)Under Bank Accounts section click Add

iii) Select bank account from the list of value and apply